Wendy Labrum
photo by Heather Talbert
If you could have a second home anywhere, where would you live? Definitely Paris. I split my time between Chicago and Park City but no American city can rival Paris's charms. Maybe one day I'll want a beach house but it's always been Paris for me!
What are three words to describe your style? Elegant, Elevated, Comfortable
Tell us about your childhood bedroom? It was definitely the hunter green and rose pink chintz of the 80's - and I'm pretty sure I lobbied for this combination. I also place some blame on Laura Ashley for this ;)
What’s the first investment piece you ever bought for your house? An antique French commode with beautiful inlaid marquetry work. It felt so expensive at the time but all these years later I still love it!
In the history of design, if you could hire any designer other than yourself, who would it be? Axel Vervoordt
No room is complete without: Something antique
People think of me as, I don't really know, but I think people sometimes think I'm rather formal and put-together, but I am really a hot mess, very casual and very fly by the seat of my pants! Those closest to me know this ;)
Things you omit from:
● A flower arrangement: The leaves of flowers - I always pull them off and add other filler
● An hors d’oeuvre platter: Anything fishy - it doesn't sit out well
● A bar cabinet: I display glassware but not alcohol - I have two teenagers ;)
A song for:
● Dinner at home: A Simple Song - Chris Stapleton
● Working at your desk: Moments - Red Clay Strays
● Going for a run: Humble - Kendrick Lamar
Biggest Vice? Diet Coke....and Ben & Jerry's
If you were on an Ambien high and internet shopping, what would you buy? Unfortunately this is not a rare occurrence for me and I am fairly equal opportunity with late-night internet shopping ;) Everything from antiques and original art to clothes, shoes and ski gear! My favorite purchases happen after midnight!
Do your clothes reflect your design sensibility, if so, how? I think generally yes - I tend to buy tailored, timeless classics and keep them for a long time. I don't wear a lot of bright colors and patterns nor do I design with them! My husband jokes that he can't ever find me in the house because I blend in with the furniture ;)
Who is your star crush? Garret Hedlund
What is the thing you would never do on a project, but don’t detest when you see others do it?
I'm terrible at pattern mixing but when Miles Redd does it it's always genius.
What design book do you find yourself going back to again and again? Rose Uniacke At Home
For posterity, what would you like your work to be known for? Original, elegant, comfortable and timeless homes that each feel unique.
photo by Aimée Mazzenga
A Few Favorites:
Movie: The Outsiders
Book: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - Dave Eggers
Scent: Celine Reptile
The fabric you always come back to: Designs of the Time Pescador Linen - so many colors and just the right weight
Dream project: Parisian apartment or early American estate
Meal: Fresh basil pesto pasta - with tomato and burrata - a staple in our house
Drink: Espresso martini
Hotel: Hôtel Plaza Athénée
Travel Destination: Because I live in seasonal locations, this changes for me depending on the time of year! But I always favor small coastal European towns in France, Italy and Spain. St Paul de Vence is a forever favorite. Domestically - I love LA. I go there to get shit done but it always fills my bucket in more ways than I anticipate.
Artist: I know he's an ass but this many years in we still have Zach Bryan on heavy rotation.
A cause near and dear to me: Gun control. I have four children I have to send to school everyday.
Thing to collect obsessively: Candlesticks - there's always a need for them!
Era in the history of design: 1940's France
Museum: Musée Rodin
Paint Color that always looks great: Benjamin Moore Feather Down
Favorite person to follow on Instagram: The Onion
Dogs, Cats, or No Pets? I have a three-year-old, so right now she is our only pet ;)