

“As a resident of the world of design since birth, I’d like to take some time to celebrate some of the people and things in that world that I admire. I hope you come along for the ride. And, as my name has really taken a beating these last couple of years, -thank you Mr. Bezos, - feel free to think of me here by my nickname: Lex. And, please also enjoy this completely un-recognizable and years old headshot.” - Alexa Hampton

Matthew Patrick Smyth

Matthew Patrick Smyth

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If you could have a second home anywhere, where would you live? I have a second home in Paris… je ne regrete rien.

What are three words to describe your style? Appropriate, classic, and unpretentious.

Tell us about your childhood bedroom? It was a relatively small room that I shared with my two brothers. Being the oldest, I was always on the top bunk. It felt very removed and private …at least in my mind. The room’s walls were covered in an early American style 60s wallpaper. The paper had a brown ground with cream medallions and red drawings of various weathervane motifs. I give my mother an “a” for effort.

What’s the first investment piece you ever bought for your house? After graduation from F.I.T. I had my first job in NYC. It was in 1981 and one Saturday, I found a 1940s sunburst mirror at a flea market. It was only $45…but I only cleared $90 a week. I agonized about spending half my paycheck so early in the week;I bought it anyway. I still have the mirror and always will.

In the history of design, if you could hire any designer other than yourself, who would it be?  I have always been a David Easton fan, and I still am! He’s the reason I came into the business. I would have loved to have been his client! He was great with the clients …it was always a happy and fun process.

No room is complete without dimmer switches.

People think of me as reserved and quiet, but i am really not! 

Things you omit from:

A flower arrangement: Excess leaves

An hors d’oeuvre platter: Messy bruschetta

A bar cabinet: Tequila

A song for: 

Dinner at home: Mozart’s Symphony #41

Working at your desk: Joni Mitchell “Free Man In Paris”

Going for a run: Eurythmics “Sweet Dreams”

Biggest vice? Going to the theater 3 nights a week

If you were on an Ambien high and internet shopping, what would you buy? David Hicks vintage ties on E-bay

Do your clothes reflect your design sensibility, if so, how? Keep it simple.

Who is your star crush? Daniel Day Lewis

What is the thing you would never do on a project, but don’t detest when you see others do it? Compulsive color matching

If there were a fire, and you could only keep one design book, what would it be? The Book Of Interior Design & Decoration (1976) by Norma Skurka.  It was the first design book I ever bought and is still my favorite.

For posterity, what would you like your work to be known for? Handsome interiors for nice people.

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A Few Favorites 

Movie: La Confidential 

Book:  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Scent: Monsieur Balmain

The fabric you always come back to: Rogers & Goffigon “Bechamels”

Dream project: my own (fantasy) house on the west coast of Ireland 

Meal:  Bouillabaisse at restaurant Chez Michel in Marseilles

Drink: Badoit

Hotel: The Oberoi Udaivilas

Travel destination: Cartagena, Columbia

Artist: Manet

Thing to collect obsessively: Elephants

Era in the history of design: English Regency

Museum: The Clark Art Institute

Paint color that always look great:  Benjamin Moore Color Stories “Notre Dame”

Favorite person to follow on instagram: @gustthepoodle

Dogs, cats, or no pets? Dogs in theory…no pets in reality

Scott Sanders

Scott Sanders

Nathan Turner

Nathan Turner