

“As a resident of the world of design since birth, I’d like to take some time to celebrate some of the people and things in that world that I admire. I hope you come along for the ride. And, as my name has really taken a beating these last couple of years, -thank you Mr. Bezos, - feel free to think of me here by my nickname: Lex. And, please also enjoy this completely un-recognizable and years old headshot.” - Alexa Hampton

Ken Fulk

Ken Fulk

photo by Douglas Friedman

photo by Douglas Friedman

If you could have a second home anywhere, where would you live? I luckily do. Provincetown Massachusetts. 

What are three words to describe your style? Individual, Irreverent, Bold

Tell us about your childhood bedroom? There were so many versions – hard to pick one. I constantly changed the look. Everything from classic Virginia horse country prep to groovy rainbow sheets with geometric carpet - I was definitely a trendsetter in my neighborhood. 

 What’s the first investment piece you ever bought for your house? A very large vintage Fornasetti dining table. If the house were burning I’d find a way to carry it out! 

 In the history of design, if you could hire any designer other than yourself, who would it be?  Andrea Palladio

No room is complete without a couple of dogs and the occasional cat.

People think of me as hyper social, but I am really a homebody.

Things you omit from:

  • A flower arrangement Grasses, cattails, & pussywillows – not sure why but I tend to like things that look like they belong beside a pond to stay there.

  • An hors d’oeuvre platter Liver paté – hate it. 

  • A bar cabinet  - The cabinet. I prefer to see my booze out on a big tray. 

A song for: 

  • Dinner at home Nancy Wilson’s What A Little Moonlight Can Do

  • Working at your desk Rihanna’s B*tch better have my money

  • Going for a run Jackson Browne’s Running on Empty

 Biggest Vice? Houses. I tend to collect them. It’s a problem. 

If you were on an Ambien high and internet shopping, what would you buy? A 1963 Jaguar XKE Convertible – my dream car. 

Do your clothes reflect your design sensibility, if so, how?  Yes. I dress up every day. Clothes make the man. I compose an outfit like I compose a room. 

 Who is your star crush? Beyoncé always and forever.

What is the thing you would never do on a project, but don’t detest when you see others do it? All white rooms. They can be calming and serene - and let furnishings/collections shine – but I just can’t bring myself do it!

If there were a fire, and you could only keep one design book, what would it be?  A House is Not a Home – Bruce Weber

For posterity, what would you like your work to be known for? Fearless creativity. 

photo by Douglas Friedman

photo by Douglas Friedman

A Few Favorites

  • Movie: What’s Up Doc?

  • Book: A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving

  • Scent: Musc Ravageur  Frederic Malle

  • The fabric you always come back to: Antique Velvets

  • Dream project: Windsor Castle

  • Meal: A dozen oysters, a margarita up and roast chicken for two at Zuni Café San Francisco

  • Drink: A glass of Montrachet or the aforementioned margarita

  • Hotel: Hotel Costes Paris

  • Travel Destination: Provincetown

  • Artist: Current obsession is the work of Helen Frankenthaler after viewing a recent retrospective of her work.

  • Thing to collect obsessively: Napkin rings with proper names engraved. 

  • Era in the history of design: Early 20th Century.

  • Museum: National Portrait Gallery London

  • Paint Color that always looks great: Setting Plaster Farrow and Ball

  • Favorite person to follow on Instagram: Terra_Naut

  • Dogs, Cats, or No Pets? Lots of both

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