Elizabeth Lawrence
photo by Francesco Lagnese
If you could have a second home anywhere, where would you live? Tuscany surrounded by an olive grove.
What are three words to describe your style?
1. Classic
2. Livable
3. Eclectic
Tell us about your childhood bedroom? My mom has great style and decorated our home. I had a queen size dark wood canopy bed and chintz curtains made from a Ralph Lauren fabric. The room was painted pink and the chintz had lots of blue. There was the best window seat with swagged curtains I could close and be in my own little nook with a blue velvet seat cushion and lots of pillows.
What’s the first investment piece you ever bought for your house? An 18th century Gilt-bronze mounted mahogany chiffonier. It has 5 wonderful drawers that hold my many necklaces, bangles, rings and small bags. My husband has no idea what it’s for.
In the history of design, if you could hire any designer other than yourself, who would it be?
Nancy Lancaster, the first decorating book I read was the one by Robert Becker about her life. I loved the adventures she went on scouring the English countryside for furniture. I think it would be an experience to say the least.
No room is complete without art!
People think of me as tailored, but I never shy away from a feminine frill.
Things you omit from:
A flower arrangement: Orchids
An hors d’oeuvre platter: Anything you can’t eat in one bite.
A bar cabinet: Nothing, a full bar is how we do it in our house.
A song for:
Dinner at home: A Charles Aznavour Playlist
Working at your desk: Whatever radio station my team is playing, we often sing along.
Going for a run: Beyonce
Biggest Vice? Anything with peanut butter and chocolate
If you were on an Ambien high and internet shopping, what would you buy? China, glasses, tablecloths, napkins, silver. Anything to set a beautiful table and somewhere to store it all (I’m running out of room!).
Do your clothes reflect your design sensibility, if so, how? Sometimes
Who is your star crush? Brad Pitt in his era of A River Runs Through It and Legends of the Fall
What is the thing you would never do on a project, but don’t detest when you see others do it?
Neutral, sparse rooms, when done well I think it are really beautiful and serene.
If there were a fire, and you could only keep one design book, what would it be? The Interiors and Architecture of Renzo Mongiardino: A painterly Vision by:Martina Mondadori Sartogo
For posterity, what would you like your work to be known for? For being timeless.
photo y Fritzvonder Schulenberg
Your Favorite:
Movie: Auntie Mame
Book: Impossible to pick just one, currently reading ‘Black Cake’ by Charmaine Wilkerson
Scent: Gardenias and Fresh cut grass
The fabric you always come back to: A beautiful embroidered fabric, great for almost anything.
Dream project: A home for myself with lots of guest rooms (to design) for family and friends…and a great pool for night swimming.
Meal: Sushi
Drink: Grey Goose & Soda with Lime
Hotel: Ballyfin
Travel Destination: Next on my list is Japan
Artist: Cho Sung-Hee, Joan Mitchell
A cause near and dear to me: UNICEF
Thing to collect obsessively: China
Era in the history of design: Directoire
Museum: The Met
Paint Color that always looks great: Pink
Favorite person to follow on Instagram: My siblings to see what all my nieces and nephews are getting into.
Dogs, Cats, or No Pets? We don’t have any but definitely a dog, someday!