

“As a resident of the world of design since birth, I’d like to take some time to celebrate some of the people and things in that world that I admire. I hope you come along for the ride. And, as my name has really taken a beating these last couple of years, -thank you Mr. Bezos, - feel free to think of me here by my nickname: Lex. And, please also enjoy this completely un-recognizable and years old headshot.” - Alexa Hampton

Christopher Hyland

Christopher Hyland

Courtesy of Christopher Hyland Inc

If you could have a second home anywhere, where would you live? Hylandtown as soon as it is completed, until then Salem, Massachusetts

 What are three words to describe your style?

1. Diverse

2. Diverse

3. Diverse

Tell us about your childhood bedroom? Bengal Lancer prints, window seat, roaring ocean on one side, harbor and sunset on the other.

What’s the first investment piece you ever bought for your house? I have never purchased an investment piece for my house.

In the history of design, if you could hire any designer other than yourself, who would it be? I would draw from a hat of hundreds of names.

No room is complete without textiles.

People think of me as ______, but I am really ___. I do not know what people think of me.

Things you omit from:

  • A flower arrangement: Nothing, all flowers have their place and purpose

  • An hors d’oeuvre platter: Food that drips

  • A bar cabinet: I rarely keep stock of our bar

A song for:

  • Dinner at home: “The Holy City”, beautifully Blakes protest hymn also beautiful, of the music I have commissioned, all parts of the Hyland Mass, the “Credo” for which I wrote the lyrics particularly meaningful to me.

  • Working at your desk: Anything by Johan Schmelzer

  • Going for a run “Forty Years On”

Biggest Vice? Lack of an ability to effectively handle evil.

If you were on an Ambien high and internet shopping, what would you buy? I do not know what Ambien is. With unlimited funds: a vast collection of books on the subject of peace and dual sovereignty; then all sorts of sterling silver; then a 126 or so foot classic, or classic style sailing yacht, and finally every conceivable machine to repopulate the US economy, and every conceivable machine to aid the sick and poor.

Do your clothes reflect your design sensibility, if so, how? My clothing does but only partially.

Who is your star crush? What is a star crush, a movie actor? Assuming her story is accurate, I have respect for the young tennis player who stood up to dictatorship

What is the thing you would never do on a project, but don’t detest when you see others do it? Do not have a clue, but sometimes the exceedingly tacky and robust poor taste is super fun.

If there were a fire, and you could only keep one design book, what would it be? The Constitution of the United States.

For posterity, what would you like your work to be known for? Fine diverse design.

Courtesy of Christopher Hyland Inc

A Few Favorites:

  • Movie: Gandhi

  • Scent: Trumper Zurzon (using same little bottle for 40 or so years)

  • The fabric you always come back to:  Every single Christopher Hyland fabric

  • Dream project: Hylandtown

  • Meal: Lamb chops

  • Drink: Between Campari and Lillet

  • Hotel: Zurserhof, Zurs, Austria

  • Travel Destination: Italy, Matla, Greece

  • Artist: Franics Bacon, just to name one

  • A cause near and dear to me: Reenergizing the US economy

  • Thing to collect obsessively: Everything

  • Era in the history of design: All eras

  • Museum: Mariners Hall, now known as the Peabody Essex Museum

  • Paint Color that always looks great: Hyland Blue

  • Favorite person to follow on Instagram: So many

  • Dogs, Cats, or No Pets? Hudson Deary Byron, our Labradoodle

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