Brian J McCarthy
photo by Francesco Lagnese
If you could have a second home anywhere, where would you live? The Cornwall coast of England.
What are three words to describe your style? 1. Edited 2. Curious 3. Classical
Tell us about your childhood bedroom? When I was 7 years old my bedroom had Danish Modern furniture, but my favorite thing was my bedspread. It had a printed red sports car on it and I loved to sit on my bed and dream of driving it.
What’s the first investment piece you ever bought for your house? In September 1983, just before I was hired by Albert, I was on holiday in Rome and I purchased a Biedermeier commode & secretaire which both now reside at my mother’s home. The classicism of the Biedermeier period was so fresh and relevant to me at that time. I think I paid less than $4000 US for both. That said, they probably aren’t worth much more now.
In the history of design, if you could hire any designer other than yourself, who would it be? Dead, I would be beyond honored if either Henri Samuel or Madeleine Castaing agreed to take me on as their client! Living, I would have to say Jacques Grange or Francois Catroux. Guess I have a thing for the French.
No room is complete without its inhabitants personal things which ultimately give a room it’s soul.
People think of me as reserved, but I am really just shy.
Things you omit from:
A flower arrangement: the filler Baby’s Breath
An hors d’oeuvre platter: Crudité
A bar cabinet: Beer
A song for:
Dinner at home: Danny picks all the music because he says I have crap taste in music. LOL
Working at your desk: I wish I could listen to music while at my desk, but it would be too distracting.
Going for a run: I don’t run but when I exercise, which is daily, I prefer to be alone with my thoughts.
Biggest Vice? My relentless striving for perfection.
If you were on an Ambien high and internet shopping, what would you buy? A painting by Neo Rauch from David Zwirner Gallery.
Do your clothes reflect your design sensibility, if so, how? They might have in the past, but they don’t anymore. I think I used to dress more like my male clients who were traditional businessmen. Quite conservatively and always in jacket and tie. I am much more casual now. But to be honest I have lost the passion for clothes that I had when I was younger. Or perhaps it’s just that I hate to shop for clothing? Luckily Prada is a few blocks away from the office and home and so I basically drop in there 2-3 times a year and I’m done. It’s classic yet modern. Perhaps my clothes do reflect my design sensibility after all?
Who is your star crush? Honestly I cant thing of anyone…
What is the thing you would never do on a project, but don’t detest when you see others do it? Huh? If I detest something I don’t admire it ever!
If there were a fire, and you could only keep one design book, what would it be? Jansen by James Archer Abbott from Acanthus Press
For posterity, what would you like your work to be known for? Modern interpretations of classical architecture and interiors.
photo by Francesco Lagnese
A Few Favorites:
Movie: Now Voyager.
Book: Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang
Scent: Eau d’Orange Vert Eau de Cologne by Hermès.
The fabric you always come back to: My office tells me its an off-white boucle. I love a texture!
Dream project: A house that I can design both the house and the garden!
Meal: Any risotto with white truffles.
Drink: Vodka Gimlet with Roses Lime juice.
Hotel: The Wickaninnish Inn, Tofino, British Columbia, Canada
Travel Destination: We are going to Ireland next month for the first time and I have a feeling it will soon become my favorite travel destination.
Artist: Neo Rauch
Thing to collect obsessively: Art
Era in the history of design: Late 18th Century as well as Early 20th Century
Museum: Sir John Soane’s Museum.
Paint Color that always look great: Benjamin Moore’s Mississippi Mud.
Favorite person to follow on Instagram: I think for obvious reasons I will have to say @danisagernyc
Dogs, Cats, or No Pets? Dog…specifically our dog Daisy